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The Pathways Alliance includes a set of curated resources relevant to decision-makers and organizations working to implement, improve, or learn more about quality, sustainable teacher preparation programs.

The resource library can be searched using the search bar on the top right of the website screen.

To submit a resource for consideration for inclusion in the resource library, please click here.

Use the tags below to choose a category:

Prepared to Teach, Bank Street College of Education

April 2021

Simple Shifts: Paying Aspiring Teachers with Existing Resources

National Center for Teacher Residencies


2019-2020 Annual Impact Report

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

October 1, 2020

How Do Education Students Pay for College?

Public Impact

Teacher and Principal Residencies in an Opportunity Culture

Public Impact


Paid Educator Residencies, Within Budget: How New School Models Can Radically Improve Teacher and Principal Preparation

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University


Teacher Preparation and The Next Education Workforce

The Learning Accelerator


Advice: Considerations for Creating a Homegrown Residency Program

Sept 2021

The Poetic Humanity of Teacher Education: Holistic Mentoring for Beginning Teachers

Prepared to Teach, Bank Street College of Education

April 2021

Roles for Candidates in the Classroom

Public Impact


Teacher Residencies in an Opportunity Culture: Intro Slide Deck

The American Scholar

December 2021

Why So Many Kids Struggle to Learn

Prepared to Teach, Bank Street College of Education

May 2021

Dollars and Sense: Federal Investments in Our Educator Workforce

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